Meet your Farmers

We are Brady & Dawn Stanley, your local hydroponic vegetable growers. We absolutely love farming, and are working hard to earn your business.


Brady always had a love for the outdoors and farming. He worked as a master diesel mechanic for years, before deciding to start building the first greenhouse. He can build or do anything put in front of him, and can fix any mess I get him into. lol. He has built every part of our business from scratch, stick by stick.

Dawn loves her family, animals, hard work and people. She has a drive to take care of people & animals, to press on. She keeps everyone on track and things moving in the right direction. A cheerleader by nature, she keeps things light and helps keep chins up when things get tough. It is only God’s sense of humor that she makes a living growing things.

Together they make a great team, and are building their farm successfully, & desiring to be a light in an often dark world.